category commands to give more control over position in cat

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category commands to give more control over position in cat

Postby S Pittaway on Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:33 pm

Would it be possible to add category commands to move forwards/backwards by a specified number of items.


I use a lot of cover flow type screens, on these i have to simulate scrolling via triggers and item next/previous commands. eg, if i page down i might have to issue 20 item next commands.

I have a plugin to do this, but it is clunky and slows down the interface.

A simple command top do this could be added in minutes and would be far quicker to call/action.

category>offset item>cat name>+/- no items to move by

While there an option to jump to a specific item would also be useful -
category>select item>cat name>index

I have added a mantis entry for this - 0000708
S Pittaway
Posts: 651
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Location: Manchester, England

Re: category commands to give more control over position in cat

Postby wesblack on Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:56 am


We are adding this in the next release. :)

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: category commands to give more control over position in cat

Postby S Pittaway on Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:00 am

a bit of a roll this :)

cheers, Sean.
S Pittaway
Posts: 651
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Location: Manchester, England