Category filter option for hierarchical DBs

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Category filter option for hierarchical DBs

Postby alaricljs on Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:57 pm

Ok, I have a music DB: artist>album. I have 2 pages with a 'music' category. The first displays only the Artist, you click on an artist, and you get page 2 with all their albums. It works great except for one thing.

When I search/filter the category the returned data is a little off.... Say I search on Genre:Classical, for every Bach album I get a Bach in my Artist list. This means that I have an Artist list with 2x Bach, 3x Beethoven, 4x Tchaikovsky, and so on. It doesn't matter which one of the entries I click on, the result in the Albums page is the same (all the albums returned by the filter).

I'd like an option for filtered data to be presented the same way as the original data (hierarchically). At this point filtering flattens the data which completely kills any skin taking direct advantage of the hierarchy.
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