Any HDHomerun users? Need possible Linux/DVR consulting

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Any HDHomerun users? Need possible Linux/DVR consulting

Postby rembetis on Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:10 pm

I'm moving into a new house and just beginning to re-investigate the idea of incorporating a homebuilt/pc DVR into my system. I've been hearing a lot of nice things about the HD Homerun, and really like the idea of streaming HD over my network (rather than having it tied to a specific card in a specific PC).

My main question is, say I set up up a dedicated Ubuntu/MythTV box for recording. How would I interface with and initiate a HD stream from the Myth box using any one of the other Windows PCs in my house? I'm assuming hardware requirements are fairly low for the Mythbox, and have a few older computers lying about, but does Linux have a VNC type app that would allow me to view the (possibly headless) Mythbox and initiate a stream?

Any suggestions for alternate routes would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Any HDHomerun users? Need possible Linux/DVR consulting

Postby hvs69 on Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:21 pm

How about using Sage TV which supports Homerun and has multi-client support.

I like Myth a lot but the idea of establishing communication between a Windows and Linux box to stream video freaks me out. There are a couple of window clients for Myth that you might want to look at.
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Re: Any HDHomerun users? Need possible Linux/DVR consulting

Postby lar282 on Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:17 am

I think Mediaportal with the new tv engine would do the trick to. One server with all the cards and then clients that connect to the server.

The Tv-Server (also mentioned TvEngine v0.3 sometimes) is an application which allows you to setup one or more central servers with multiple tv cards. Clients like MediaPortal can use the tvserver to watch live-tv/recordings/epg over the network. All Tv related tasks are handled by the server(s) and live-tv is streamed over the network to one or more clients. With the tv-server you can setup a central server pc which will do all tv related tasks and use multiple clients on the network to view live tv and/or recordings

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Re: Any HDHomerun users? Need possible Linux/DVR consulting

Postby rembetis on Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:19 pm

Thanks Lasse and Hv. I still have a lot to chew over, and the WAF factor may send me to a simple cable box DVR setup anyway, but your input has helped.
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