XMM Exttreme movie manager Import

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XMM Exttreme movie manager Import

Postby escape on Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:21 pm

I have been using XMM http://www.binaryworks.it/extrememoviemanager/index.php for a while. I like the interface and can import high quality covers from all over the world.

I have just completed a conversion program that takes output from XMM and conversts it into the XML map that is needed to import the movie information. It works great.

A couple of things.

    How would I provide this program to anyone else that would like to use it?

    Is there a tag I could use to provide the location of the coverart?

    Is there a tag I could use to provide the location of the movie?
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:29 pm

Postby stevenhanna6 on Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:50 pm

How would I provide this program to anyone else that would like to use it

you can email me and I can give you some space on the xlobby server, mailto:steve@xlobby.com

you can add as many tags as you want, there is no limit. Just add them to the "information" tag like this

<coverart>C:\DVDS\ACTION\GLADIATOR\gladiator front-cover.jpg</coverart>

genre,name,title,sorttile are all custom tags, in fact all information does is contain custom tags. Hopefully that helps.
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