Playlist - Follow Now Playing Track

V3 help and support questions

Playlist - Follow Now Playing Track

Postby PhilB on Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:58 pm

I am getting back to my skin in progress (my 3rd). One thing that has always bothered me and could just be a bug is this one.

I have a playlist of mp3. I display 12 or so tracks and let the user page through the pages. Users can click a track and it will start playing and the track selected is highlited in gold.

That all works great.

If the user does not do anything, I have the playlist set to randomize and when the next track starts, the page of tracks does not change to represent the current playing song. This is an annoyance and I would like to fix it. It is these little details that give the system polish.

Here are two images. One with the track highlited, and one where a track is playing but the playlist has jumped to a song not on the screen.

Good Playlist Highlite:

Bad Playlist Highlite:

Any ideas?
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