Please ensure bug reports are posted in Bug Tracking forum

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Please ensure bug reports are posted in Bug Tracking forum

Postby erikt on Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:09 pm

Hi all,

I told Steven I'd provide him a summary of the current outstanding bug list
since he's not had a lot of time lately to follow the forums. My plan is to
put together something in a database or spreadsheet that would allow
him to track the reporting and resolution of each problem report, and try
to assign some sort of coarse priority to each problem.

What I would like to ask everyone to do is ensure that, if they have
submitted a bug report that has not yet been resolved, to ensure that the
report was made in the Bug Tracking forum, and not one of the other
forums. I'm not going to read through the entire forum to track down
any mis-posted issues.

I hope this is seen as a useful exercise, I know we're all keen to have
Steven back and at-it, and he indicated that this would be some help to him.

Posts: 81
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Postby ingalls on Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:21 pm

I will see with the french xlobby team what is important for us in the feature request and the bug trakin to change and give a list (if SteventHanna6 is ok to do that)
Posts: 193
Joined: Wed May 12, 2004 7:46 pm